Team Heretic Dinofox Wiki
DMR armor

Mark IV Mandalorian Combat Armor, DMR's favorite combat armor.

The Mark IV Mandalorian Combat Armor is an expensive combat armor thats made by the Mandalorian Empire and is favored by mercenaries due to its balance between protection and maneuverability. The Delta SEALS use the Mark V variant of this combat armor.


The first inner layer is five layers of high grade kevlar woven in over a thin dragon plate armor. The next layer is a lightweight suit made of triple A-Titanium. The third layer is another kevlar layer covered with Tungsten. This layer is also infused with heat resistant materials to protect the user from plasma fire. The last layer is made of high grade Inconel plating fused with an alloy know as 17-4PH. This last layer also protects the energy shield device. The helmet follows the same formula except has addition padding to protect the head from shell shock. The helmet comes equipped with a HUD that in includes a 30 meter mini map with motion tracker, shielding health meter, aiming reticle for hip-firing, weapon indicator, ammo counter, and communications radio.


The Mark IV is fairly new and has only recently seen combat. Users have reported that the shield does well with deflecting both bullets and plasma, though once the shield is down, the suit armor has issues with protecting the user from excess plasma exposure. EMPs will deplete the shield completely, as will excess damage. To protect the core, the shield will shut down and will come back online after about five seconds. The suit does come equipped with a one time use bio-foam can that can be applied to help stop bleeding until the user can get medical attention. The suit is self sealing, allowing it to be used in both zero gravity and zero oxygen atmospheres. 

Since the suit is expensive, only mercenaries use it. Even the Chat Empire refuses to buy them, instead they make their own combat armor to be used by their people. Notable users of this armor include DMR and Jess McKathy, who have made it their signature combat suits when they goes into battle against the Chat, though they both have had made changes to their armor. 

